This summer, the weather has been very hot and humid. Please take care of yourself and drink more water.
We pray for the people in Hiroshima and Okayama who are affected by the recent floods, that they will be protected and be in good health. We will also be sending volunteers and give aid to them through the Christian crisis relief organizations that are already involved.
This August 16th – 19th , several of us from FCBC Sendai and Yokohama will be going to Singapore for the G12 Asia conference. We are expecting many christians to come from many G12 churches all over Asia to Singapore.The theme this year is “ Thy Kingdom Come “. It will be an encounter with the King of Kings. It will be a time for them to be equipped to serve God through the G12 Vision. It will be the place where they will be empowered to advance His Kingdom.
Please pray for the G12 conference and for all of us to receive powerful impartation of the Word and ministry of the he Holy Spirit.
Ps Christina and Ps Caleb will be taking the opportunity when we are in Singapore to reconnect with family and friends.
Please take note that there will be an Encounter Camp in September 22nd – 24th in Chiba for members of FCBC Yokohama and another Encounter Camp in October 7th -9th in Kinshuko for members of FCBC However, you are welcome to attend any of them. Cost will be Yen 15000 for each person. Registration will begin soon. We strongly encourage everyone to attend.
We hope you have been enjoying the sermon study on the book of Acts of the Apostles. The following scriptures are great promises to claim as we pray that all nations will turn to Jesus:
““His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’”
Acts of the Apostles 17:27-28 NLT