今年は「神の御国が来ますように」というテーマでした。語られたメッセージはどれも力強いものでした。私たちが聖霊を受け取るためには、新しい革袋が必要です。そしてrhema word(神の言葉)をしっかりと握り大胆にイエスの証する者になっていきましょう。
Just a short report of the G12 Asia Conference in Singapore:
This year’s theme is “Thy Kingdom come”. All the sermons were so impactful; some powerful teachings are that we must be the new wineskin that will allow the Holy Spirit to pour the new wine into us , ask and hold on to God ‘s rhema Word in our daily life and be courageous to be a witness for Jesus . We must be an effective signpost to point people to a better Kingdom and a better King . At every session , we prayed for every country that came , a total of 7000 attendees from 22 countries of Asia . We sensed the power of unity of the body of Christ arising together. Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong also called for the G12 churches from Asia to specially pray and find opportunities to work together for the revival of Japan .
We are looking forward to the Encounter Camp in Chiba . All of u are strongly encouraged to attend. At this Encounter Camp a team of leaders and members (Love Japan mission team from Singapore ) will be there at to serve you too. Please pray for this encounter camp which is on Sep 22-24. Please register as soon as possible. On Oct 7-9 we have another Encounter Camp at Kinshoku, Iwate. If this is more convenient for you please make plans to join us too.
Pastor Caleb and Pastor Christina